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Repairs are seldom expensive.  Some are at no extra charge, especially stuck keys or pedals.  Some repairs require shop work but are also of nominal and reasonable fees. We will not repair a piano that is not able to be tuned, or if the repair is not in the best interest of the customer.

Action Regulation:

Adjustments aimed at increasing the efficiency of the mechanical part of your piano are called action regulation. Inexpensive adjustments can make a difference.  Hard playing pianos can usually be made to play very smoothly.  And they will sound better with regulation. Pianos actions have soft parts of felt and leather, so gravity and wear gradually change the factory settings over the years. There are over a dozen adjustments for each of 88 notes. My job is to recommend which of these will make the greatest and long-lasting improvement at nominal expense.


Adjustment of the tone of a piano is possible and is called voicing. It is accomplished by checking first the regulation of the key height and dip, then all the geometry of the action parts.  After that, a more beautiful sound can be had by making careful changes to the shape and density of the hammers. Voicing, which is not performed by most tuners, is an area where I thankfully excel and it has taken years to master. I enjoy this task of bringing out the greatest beauty in a piano’s tone.


While the market determines the overall value of many pianos, ignorance of the piano’s health often encourages the ill-informed to buy a piano that is useless, simply because the piano is free for the taking. Pianos are like everything else — cars, homes, and are frequently neglected. Many need double tunings and costly repairs, or else the person who plays will be quickly discouraged. I also offer free but straightforward advice over the phone that may save you time and money when you are looking for a piano to purchase. My highest good and unchangeable intent is for the success of the person, often a child, who plays the piano. Knowledge and truth are valuable.